Ken Schauer
When did you become an electrician?: 2007
When did you join Local Union #113?: 2008
Why did you want to become an electrician? I was already working in electronics and I was looking for high demand jobs that couldn't be outsource and I already liked electricity so that was just a natural extension of what I was looking for and I knew whatever I was going to do I was going to be union. I stumbled across the IBEW and the rest was history.
Favorite jobsite you have worked on: Colorado College summer 2012 - there was a really good crew
Favorite thing about Colorado Springs: The weather.
Advice for apprentices: Show up to work on time and don't miss work.
Hobbies: I'm a busy guy - I'm a magician, I play the piano, I read voraciously, and I do web development.
What got you into magic: I've always liked slide of hand and when I was around 25 I got consumed by it.
Favorite magicians: Harry Lorayne and Dai Vernon
Favorite sports team: Broncos
Favorite part of the union: The people - just a smart group of individuals
One thing that you'd like to change about the union: The activism of the general membership
When did you join Local Union #113?: 2008
Why did you want to become an electrician? I was already working in electronics and I was looking for high demand jobs that couldn't be outsource and I already liked electricity so that was just a natural extension of what I was looking for and I knew whatever I was going to do I was going to be union. I stumbled across the IBEW and the rest was history.
Favorite jobsite you have worked on: Colorado College summer 2012 - there was a really good crew
Favorite thing about Colorado Springs: The weather.
Advice for apprentices: Show up to work on time and don't miss work.
Hobbies: I'm a busy guy - I'm a magician, I play the piano, I read voraciously, and I do web development.
What got you into magic: I've always liked slide of hand and when I was around 25 I got consumed by it.
Favorite magicians: Harry Lorayne and Dai Vernon
Favorite sports team: Broncos
Favorite part of the union: The people - just a smart group of individuals
One thing that you'd like to change about the union: The activism of the general membership